
Sunday 1 May 2011

Final blog

We finally have come to an end of the experiment...
This is a last mindmap showing the variables, aim and equipment.



In conclusion, the cupboard plants grew the quickest but was not healthy or strong. On the other hand the window sill plants received enough sunlight, and was healthy green and in good condition. Therefore I have determined that the window sill is the best environment to grow a plant. 


When I finalised my results and observations, I found that there were different trends and patterns happening in the growth of the plants. 
The window plants showed a regular pattern, growing from 0.1cm per day. 
The cupboard plants had a irregular pattern that started from 0cm to 9.6cm, in ten days. I found that the cupboard plants grew the quickest and only grew rapid on some days. The outdoor plants had the same pattern as the window sill plants, growing at 0.1cm per day. I also found that the outdoor plants grew the slowest out of the three environments. 
The graph and table I have created showed that the cupboard plants grew the quickest, and the plants from the outdoor environment grew the slowest. But I have discovered that this did not match my findings from the research information. My secondary data (internet and books) explains that the plants exposed to sunlight will grow the quickest and the healthiest, however my results have shown that the cupboard plants grow the quickest. 
The results and the background information does not match because, the type of seed I used to conduct my experiment was said to grow best in the dark. I have considered and found this statement is both true and false, because the packet says that the seeds grow best in the dark; but I have also found that the plants are not in a healthy condition. 
Although the outdoor plants have grown very little, I found that they could not adapt to the heat and sunlight. I know this because, when I was observing the plants, the soil looked very dry and the soil was not moist. 
Plants on the window sill grow not too fast and also do not grow too slow either. From looking at the results, it shows that my observations about the window sill plants have remained positive throughout my experiment. They had no sign of dry soil or too much water, and the plants have been growing healthy and green.
To make my experiment more reliable and accurate, I placed three plants for each environment. The three plants have been growing at the same height, meaning that  the reliability of the experiment is more precise. 
During my experiment; I have added 10ml of water to each plant, allowing the plants to have a higher percentage in achieving the best results. 
Improvements I could have made would be, to apply more water to the plants. I think the outdoor plants could have received more water because they were lacking moisture and the soil remained too dry to grow. If I had applied more water, the experiment could have been even more successful and also more reliable. 
Another improvement I could have made would be the location of the outdoor plant. The location I have placed the plants had very little shelter. This meant that if rain was applied to the plants, the experiment would definitely be unreliable and inaccurate, because those plants would receive more water than the cupboard and window sill plants. 

In my conclusion, I believe that the outdoor plants grew the slowest and the cupboard plants grew the quickest. Although the cupboard plants grew the quickest, it had no signs of healthiness and looked weak. The outdoor plants had very little growth due to sunlight adaption and lack of water. 
Plants on the window sill grew not too fast but not too slow. They were the healthiest plants, that grew with green leaves and a tall stem. The window sill plants would be the best to grow plants, if the best results are wanted.

Saturday 30 April 2011


I have gathered all my observations into one table showing the height and day.
Previously on my blog, I have posted all the observations for each day.

This is the table i have created for the final results...

I have also created a line graph showing the results (:

What's Photosynthesis ?

Through research, I have discovered that many theories say that plants grow best in the outdoor environment because sunlight is exposed more in the outdoor environment. 
As, sunlight is a electromagnetic energy that is reflected upon plants, which lead to reactions that take place to store energy in the formation of sugar molecules. 

Plants grow by making their own food, this process is called ‘photosynthesis’, meaning to put together with light. The chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and from the 
sunlight, the plant combines carbon dioxide and water to produce sugar and oxygen. 

Day 10

I have finally have come to an end of the experiment.
These are the observations for day 10:

DAY 10
-little growth
-green leaves
-slanted stem
Height (cm): 2.2 cm


-yellow stem
-browish-yellow leaves 
-grew taller
Height (cm): 2.2 cm

-moist soil
-small green leaves
Height (cm): 1.5 cm

Thursday 28 April 2011

DAY 8 and 9

-very moist soil
-green leaves
Height (cm): 2cm


-yellow leaves
-grew very tall
-weak stem 
-no absorbed water in the soil
Height (cm): 9.5cm

-dry soil
-developing green leaves
Height (cm): 1cm

-green leaves
-moist soil
-grew taller
Height (cm): 2.1cm

-yellow leaves are fading to brown
-curving stem
-watery soil
Height (cm): 9.6cm

-dry soil
-small leaves
-small stem
-very little growth
Height (cm): 1.5cm

Wednesday 27 April 2011

DAY 6 and 7

-grew taller
-soil was moist
-leaves remained green and healthy
Height (cm): 1.2cm

-yellow leaves
-grew taller rapidly
-moist and damp soil
Height (cm): 6cm


-dry soil
-little growth
-green leaves
Height (cm): 0.6cm

-larger leaves
Height (cm): 1.6cm

-grew taller 
-thin and fragile
-weak stem (yellow)
Height (cm): 9cm

-little growth
-small leaves
-moist soil
Height (cm): 0.7cm

Monday 25 April 2011

DAY 4 and 5

DAY 4     [ADDED 10ml of H2O]
-Plants have grown taller
-developed small, green leaves
-healthy and green
Height (cm): 0.6cm


-yellow leaves
-water was not absorbed 
-grown taller rapidly
Height (cm): 2cm

-soil was dry 
-plants grew very slow
-little leaves developing
Height (cm): 0.3cm

-larger leaves 
Height (cm): 1cm

-yellow leaves
-grown very tall
-no absorbed water
Height (cm): 2.5cm

-dry soil
-very little to no growth
-small green leaves
Height (cm): 0.5cm (no difference from day 4)

Sunday 24 April 2011

Results ...

Due to bad internet connections, I wasn't able to blog for a week or so.
But during those days/weeks, I have been recording results and observing the plants growth.

WINDOW: All three plants have been growing slowly and been sprouting from the soil. From day 1, the plants worked from 0cm to 0.4cm. The small leaves that are branching off the seed are green, and look healthy. I believe they have been growing excellently because of the sunlight and water that is provided.

CUPBOARD: These plants have been growing the most rapid, but have no sign of green in the plant. The plants have grown from 0.5cm to 0.7cm since day 2. Due to no sunlight the plant has been growing yellow and not green. When I researched the mustard seed, it was said that mustard seed grows most rapid in the dark, but the case was that there was no sunlight to provide chlorophyll to the plant.

OUTDOORS: Growing slowly is the outdoor plants. As a result, they grew only 0.1cm from day 2, this makes up of 0.3cm for the plants growth. The three plants have been sprouting a little but have no sign of tallness. Although plants are green, the soil is absorbed very quickly within one day. I think that the plant is absorbing a lot more water as the sunlight dries up the soil, causing the plant to grow slower or even deteriorate.

Internet shut down

My internet was recently shut down for the last couple of weeks due to bad connection and connection failure. This means I must catch up with all my blogs, and there will be more information recorded on this blog from now on.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Growing ...

Through the past few days, I have examined the plants growth.

DAY 1:
MUSTARD seedling did not emerging. ADDED 30ml of water to each plant.

DAY 2:
The seedlings started to emerge from the soil. Small stems started to form at the end of the seed. ADDED 5ml, the water was not absorbing fast enough, so I applied less water.
The outdoor plants seemed to absorb the water faster than the window sill and cupboard plants, this was because of photosynthesis.
The Window sill plants emerged slower than the cupboard and outdoor plants.
As I observed the cupboard plants, I found that they were emerging faster than both the cupboard and outdoor plants. The H2O was still visible and was not yet absorbed by the air, as there was no available sunlight.



Sunday 3 April 2011

Planting away ...

I have just purchased all my equipment for the experiment.
This includes:
-mustard seeds
-measuring spoons

I have also set 3 plants in each environment;
Outdoors, on a window sill and in a cupboard.
This will make the experiment more reliable and more accurate.

Planting Process:
1. Laid my nine foam cups on a table.
2. Added soil (from backyard) to the foam cups (half way)
3. Distributed mustard seedlings into each cup (spread apart)
4. Watered 30ml of water into each cup (using a measuring spoon)
5. Labelled plants 1, 2 and 3 on each cup
6. Stored cups outdoors (sunlight), window sill (sunlight and no sunlight) and in a cupboard (no sunlight)


Thursday 24 March 2011

Progressing ...

I have been collecting the different types of seeds and equipment needed for my experiment for the past few weeks. 
I am buying the plastic cups/pots and seeds at Woolworths or a gardening store.
As with the soil, i am collecting the fresh and new soil used for gardening plants in my backyard.
The environments I am planting the seeds are; next to a window sill, in a cupboard and also outdoors (where is a large amount of sunlight).

To start off with this experiment, I checked the content on the seed packaging. 
By doing this, i can know how much water to apply daily and how to plant the seed correctly. 
I also can start testing the seed in other environments such as the window sill and the cupboard.

This is my NEW mind map for the experiment.
It includes:
- Equipment 
- Variables (Dependent, Independent and Controlled)
- Location/ environments


Friday 4 March 2011


Some ideas I would like to do for my experiment.
Final decision between "Best environment to grow plants" or "Which type of chocolate melts quickest".